Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mr. Dog

So a week or so ago I decided to get brave and try to run with Mr.Dog.

Running with Mr. Dog has been a challenge in the past.  In fact, I believe Mr. Dog is trying to kill me sometimes.  I picked up Mr.Dog from the pound in October, and I had every intention of having him pace me during runs.  He is a very energetic dog and I had no doubt that he would help me get faster and be excellent company on a run.  However, Mr.Dog has had other ideas of what a run is.  In fact, he didn't want to run the first time, he wanted to sprint from point to point and linger for 5 minutes sniffing a tree.  We ended up doing some strange sprint/walk/drag dance for a block before it dawned on me that a run was not in the cards.  The second time we tried to run, Mr. Dog lulled me into a false sense of security before going in for the kill.  We started with a nice half mile walk warm up, then we started alternating between a run walk for another half mile, before moving into a good run.  Things felt great and I thought we had finally made it and soon we would be as gracefully as the runners at the park.  Then about 2 blocks from the park Mr. Dog had a bout of ADD and was distracted by a squirrel.  As he ran across me to start the chase he spun me around and I ended up tripping on his leash.  Then instead of stopping he drug me for a few feet before I could let go of the leash.  I had a busted knee after that and had a wonderful limp home.  We passed many people running, biking, and even rollerblading with their dogs and I couldn't help but feel that would never be us.  So the decision to run with Mr. Dog took a lot of thought and a lot of mental prep.  As I asked Bobcat to put on the harness while I put on my shoes, I got the "ARE YOU SERIOUS" look.  We started our run slow and gradually built up speed and things were looking great.  Then at the 1.5 mile mark Mr. Dog thought he saw something and started barking and leaping.  Thankfully we were at the corner by the house so we just called it a day at that point.  Maybe next run we can make it the full 2 miles, and then start working on running at the park on some grass.  Baby Steps!  One Day Mr. Dog and I will be on the same page, and we will be the graceful cool runners we get passed by all the time.

Haven't been to CrossFit or a done a real workout in a week.  I did something to my back and was hoping some rest and Vegas would fix it.  However, it still hurts and I am concerned.  I got a massage and hopefully that loosens something up so that I can get through a WOD tomorrow and a light bike on the trainer.  If not I fear a visit to the Orthopedic Surgeon :(

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