Saturday, June 18, 2011

100 Miles of Nowhere...Munkys and Bobcats on Bikes edition

This post is actually very long overdue.  Id like to say its late due to an epic bike trip, or preparation for some big adventure or even alien abduction.  The sad fact is, I was simply to lazy to upload my photos to my MacBook.  My Mac is getting on in years, and its small HD means I have to go find a portable drive to connect in order to upload large files.  So yeah, its a pain and I get lazy when it comes to downloading stuff.  Anyway, on with the show!

About 3 months ago I was reading the Fat Cyclists blog, and the announcement for the 4th annual 100 Miles of Nowhere (100 MON) was posted.  Being a lover of all things Fatty, and being that I am still afraid to go on a real long bike ride ( or any outdoor ride) with Bobcat I figured this would be a fun way to ride and still be with him.  My weakness actually riding the bike would be minimized by my ability to sit on my ass and watch TV or listen to my ipod for an extended amount of time in one location.  See the 100 MON is a ride you do on trainers, or very small loops, meaning he couldn't leave me in the dust or give me the "hurry up and catch up" look.  It also meant I wouldn't have to pee in some ditch or gas station.  So I signed us both up waited a few weeks an finally our kits arrived.
Then about a week after the kits arrived, we prepped the bikes, set the TV to some Premier League Soccer for the day, set my ipod to my techno dance party and got a good nights sleep.  When I awoke the next day Bobcat had affixed our super awesome race plates to the bike and put some nice iced water bottles in the cages and set up our snacks.  Then we were off on our magical trip.  The original plan was 50 miles each and I set out with the plan of low resistance hoping to do about 20-25mph.  Bobcat decided right away to skip the resistance and just see how far he could go in the time it took me to do my 50 (always the 1-Uper). 

So an hour in even with resistance I was 34 miles in and only about 8 miles behind Bobcat, but 25 miles in I had realized I could not keep this pace on my knee.  So at the one hour mark I removed the resistance and it was game on, we were going for the full 100.  Unfortunately my adjustment might have been a bit late as I was pretty tired for the next hour and despite getting off to stretch and convince my lady-bits and ass that I did not hate them they would have none of it.  In these moments Bobcat, already used to sitting on his ass through years of cycling and even more years of working at a desk, took the opportunity to surge ahead.  At a little past the 2 hour mark he announced that he had completed his 100 MON.  It was also at that time he became my official snack and water bitch.

So feeling like Lance, all alone and going for the kill, I rocked the headphones and started pumping the techno...since the game was over and suddenly Bobcat put on Bridezillas which was doing nothing to pump me up.  My ass was screaming at me, my calves were not happy, my arms and wrists were starting to rebel, and my water bitch turned out to be horrible at his job.  Then just before the 3 hour mark, the clouds parted, rainbows streamed through the house, and my cyclocomputer read 100 miles.
If I had had the strength I would have looked up for my photo, it might have also helped if sweat and snot wasn't running down my face.

Overall I would say 100 miles and 3 hours later I was not only happy to be done, but happy that I had started as well.  There were moments I sat on the bike wondering WTF I was doing and there were moments where I wondered if I would ever feel my lady-bits again.  All in all though it was a fun experience and I hope to have a go at it again next year.  And after reviewing the photo finish, despite what the cyclocomputers said, I clearly was the winner and ahead by  half a wheel!

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