Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Those aren't tears, its sweat... I swear

Finally!!!  Today was the return to Crossfit!  I was ordered to do beginner level and limit myself to 2-3 times per week for now.  They could have said baby duck level and 1x a week and I would have been happy, I just really wanted to go back.

If you have never been to Crossfit, you might not understand the complex relationship one has with it.  In fact, most people would probably say I was crazy (and not just because Ms.Salles took my scissors away in 8th grade).  If you had walked into the gym today and seen Chad sitting alone in the lotus position barefoot and smiling while blasting punk, you might have been inclined to just turn around and go home (I thought about it for a minute no lie).  But for the rest of us, thats just Chad and thats just crossfit.  This insane workout, with crazy people you call family, and by crazy I mean dedicated and driven.  You either are or you aren't are crossfitter.  There is no real middle love it or you hate it.  Even when it kicks you in the face and leaves you with ripped hands, breathless on the floor, you are smiling and laughing inside (sometimes it seeps to the outside) and you cant wait to get back up to see if you can do just one more.

I love crossfit, and I love my gym and all the people in it.  I even love Gina who made me use the hard foam roller today and the lacrosse balls during mobility (I will admit that it was for my own good and there is no way I couldn't love Gina).  My only regret today was that I could not make the 5:30 class to have the chance to work out with my old classmates.  But I think the small class at 8:30 was probably the best situation for me right now.  It just feels so great to finally be back, even though I don't know for how long.

AMRAP in 10 min
10 pullups
15 seconds Sit Tuck/L Sit

Total=6 rounds

1 comment:

  1. Not most but ALL of us say you're crazy.
