Friday, August 19, 2011


In my attempt to get in 5 days of workout I decided to try Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Crossfit and bike in between.  Then when radio class is over maybe add in Saturday CrossFit.  However, what I have planned and what work decides have been two entirely different things.  So Tuesday and Wednesday were not happening and I started to feel a little discouraged.  Then I had a moment of crazy and thought, "I can go to CrossFit at 5:30am and then still get to softball tonight and still stay on track for 5 days."  If you know me, there is only 2 things I have ever really done at 5:30am and they are SLEEP, or crawl home from a great night out.  Work out has not ever been on the 5:30 list or the before work list.  But figuring that I am now almost a responsible adult (haha) morning workout sounded like a legit idea.  So I laid out my gear, laid out work clothes and set my alarm.

There was no need to wait for the alarm as Mr.Dog was ready to be let out about 4:45am and let me know it by a cold sniffer to my face.  Since I was up and Bobcat was up I decided to get go ahead and get ready.  My declaration that I was heading to CrossFit was met with the raised eyebrow and crazy look.  I got to the gym and started having second thoughts but figured since I was there (and since I had already posted my check in to FaceBook) I might as get it done.  Coach Carlos, who I had never worked out with, was a really great guy and very alert and chipper for 5:30.  I guess he is a morning person.  I cannot say the same for all my classmates.  Probably the most tame class I have ever been to.  Not bad, but just different.  The workout was good, avoided the heat, and still got to work at about the same time.

The real magic happened when I got to work.  Lately I have has issues getting to work.  I usually wake up giving death stares to the clock, have to give myself a pep talk in the car on my commute, then take some deep breaths before getting out of my car in the parking lot.  My first sign of a headache or need for a Tums is usually about an hour after arriving.  Work has been stressful to say the least.  But not Thursday.  I had been concerned I would be sleepy after the work out, but I wasnt.  I was very alert and almost hyper.  I sang along to the radio on my way in, saved an earthworm in the parking lot, picked up a real breakfast at the cafeteria, and was just generally happy.  So happy in fact, I annoyed/concerned two of my coworkers.  Then I worried I would crash and burn later on in the day.   I got a bit run down around 11, but some lunch fixed it right up and again I was running around the halls like a squirrel in Spring.  Overall, Thursday went really well.  I wasnt even tired at softball.

So lesson learned--there might be something to this morning workout.  My adrenaline was up, my endorphins were flowing, and I felt accomplished before the day even started.  And I was done.  It was one less item to worry about during the day which was nice.   So nice, I think I might try it again next week.  The classmates will hopefully come around and not be too freaked out when I turn into the loud aggro afternoon crossfitter during some of the longer workouts.

15min AMRAP
400m run
5 Deadlift

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