Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday Funday!

Woke up with a stuffy nose and heavy head so decided to sleep in, so 5:30am crossfit did not happen.  However, the extra sleep and food prep the night before made for a pretty good Monday.  Last night I decided to get this 80% paleo plan in full swing.  So I made a bacon, mushroom frittata, prepped a bacon, tomato, avocado salad, and set some rosemary chicken for dinner.  So come this morning it was a simple grab a slice of frittata for breakfast with coffee, grab the salad for lunch, and pick up a piece of fruit for snack.  To make things better Bobcat stayed home, so a phone call home led to the rosemary chicken and veggies being ready when I got off the 405.  Food Prep is so worth it.  I really need to learn to do that meals for a month deal, but then I'd need a bigger freezer.

I finally made it to crossfit after a lot of thought and procrastination at 8:30pm and still had a little hope that I'd be held up and too late to get to class.  I dont know why I play this game.  Once I start working out I always feel better, but its just so hard sometimes to just jump right in to it.  Why is that?  Do I have a self destruct button inside?  Are there workout gremlins in my house or something?  Well anyway, crossfit started well.  Laughing, a good warm up and the workout looked ok enough.  But then we got down to it and it was anything but ok about 4 minutes in.  I was only doing beginner ring pull ups and beginner handstand pushups and really after 5 minutes its all I would have been able to do.  At minute 8 I failed to do the required number of HSPU so it was just pullups for the next 4 minutes.  I did manage to get to the full 12 minutes.  So that came out to 78 pull ups, and 34 handstand push ups.  When I was done it looked like I had stepped out of the shower, and I felt like I had just run a marathon.  All and all I felt pretty terrible and pretty great at the same time.  Lets see if I can get my arms up to comb my hair tomorrow.

With a continuously running clock, do one pull-up and one handstand push-up the first minute, two pull-ups and two handstand push-ups the second minute, three pull-ups and three handstand push-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able. When you cannot complete the required number of reps for either exercise, continue only with the other as long as you are able.
My Total:
8HSPU, 12 Ring Pull Ups

1/4 slice bacon, mushroom frittata
Bacon, avocado, egg, tomato salad

Rosemary chicken legs, zucinni, squash, broccoli
Miso Soup

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