Tuesday, May 8, 2012


30 has come and gone.  To say I was disappointed in my year's journey to get here is an understatement.  I did not achieve the fitness goals I had set out for, and even more frustrating is that the culprit behind the stall is still here.  I sat around for months sick and surly and in a pity party of one.  I was pretty sure it couldn't get any worse until it did and then I suddenly didn't have time to worry about me because my family needed me.  Sadly sometimes it takes something much worse for you to realize that life sometimes sucks... but so what.!  Other times it kicks ass, and sometimes its sad, sometimes its just flat but at least your still living.  And if you don't bother to fight for every moment than whats the point.  One good thing about sitting around at 30 is it affords you the opportunity to figure out what you want out of life sometimes it isn't the same thing you thought you wanted when the journey started.  All the things that the world told me were important and required to be "successful" are not the things I want people to talk about when I am gone.  They aren't the stories I want to tell my nieces and nephews, they aren't the memories I want flashing by in my final moments.  I don't want to look back at all the things I didn't do or waited to do.  No I want to be like the Most Interesting Man in the World and live vicariously through myself!

SO...I hit up the doctor for a new plan and then I signed up for a triathlon and posted it to Facebook.  After all once its on Facebook you can't back out.  Training while I was sick was interesting but I figured if being sick was my new normal so be it-- time to adjust. Happily, during my training, my health took an upswing  and so far its still leveling off! Looks like the new plan, though painful, has paid off. In fact I was so happy and inspired that I also decided to take care of the rest of my life.  It was time to get rid of my debt and it was time to get happy at work.  Sadly getting rid of my debt has been the easier of the two.  However, telling myself that work stops once i hit the 405 has really helped a lot.  My job will not define me.  My transformation is 5 months late but I dont care.  Its here, its happening, and after a lot of delay and setbacks I can finally say:

1 comment:

  1. The year was a rough one for you and I am glad you've come out the other end kicking and screaming. If anything you are the most determined person I know and I know you'll get to where you want to be, and you do it with your own personal style. We are so proud of you!
